European Pinball Championship 2025 28.5. – 1.6.2025

Welcome to the homepage of the European Pinball Championship 2025, which is also called EPC2025

Our goal is it to organize an unforgettable pinball event for you in the beautiful city of Vöcklabruck, centrally located in Austria.

For this purpose, we rent the REVA hall (ice skating hall) with approx. 2,000m² of space. This means we can provide enough space for 140 pinball machines, seating and open spaces.

Here you can experience exciting pinball tournaments in a friendly atmosphere with over 300 participants and we also offer you a large exhibition and free play area where you can try out lots of different pinball machines.

Our goal is to organize a “meeting point for the community” which is suitable for families, enthusiasts and pinball sport fans alike.

Immerse yourself in the world of pinball!

Tournaments & competitions

  • EPC Warm Up
  • EPC Main
  • EPC Classic
  • EPC Woman Championship
  • EPC Team
  • EPC Jersey Jack Highscore
  • Company tournament

Exhibition & free play

  • Exhibitor area
  • Lego Fun Tournament
  • Seminars
  • Free play
  • Food & Drinks

Enclosed is the current hall plan

  • The entrance is located in the lower left area
  • Near the entrance there are seating and eating and drinking possibilities
  • The pinball area begins with the free play area
  • In the center are the Pinball Machines for the main tournament of the European Pinball Championship
  • In the rear area there is a section for the Classic Tournament at the European Championships
  • The tournaments are streamed live on Twitch by JDL_Pinball

Here is an overview of the schedule

Registration for the EPC

Registration for the tournaments of the European Pinball Championship 2025 will start on February 23, 2025.

The link for registration at and the time will be announced here in good time.

The tournaments are planned for 320 participants and about half of the spots will be freely available for anyone interested. Some countries have pre-reserved spots for their best players, which must be registered in time via the IFPA Country Directors.


The organization team of the EPC 2025 consists not only of a few people, but of the Austrian pinball community with its many friends all over Europe. We will do our best to organize a mega event for you.

Entry fees and registration

Registration starts on February 23 at 8 p.m. at the following link Here you can find the corresponding total price overview

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Lego pinball machine

Rolf Brisberger from Styria has spent countless hours building a fully functional Lego pinball machine. This will be free for all participants to play on.

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Main organizers

  • Vöcklabrucker FlipperSportVerein – FlippArena
  • RS-Pinball GmbH
  • Stefan Riedler

Stefan Riedler, born in Vöcklabruck in 1982.

Pinball enthusiast since the mid-2000s

Owner of RS-Pinball GmbH

Chairman of the Vöcklabrucker FlipperSportVerein – FlippArena

Vöcklabrucker FlipperSportVerein – FlippArena

Location: Vornbuch 5, 4840 Vöcklabruck

Founded in November 2017

With the aim of being a meeting place for the community and providing a local sports facility, the clubhouse opens regularly every two weeks on Saturday afternoons from 2 pm.

RS-Pinball was founded by Stefan Riedler in July 2015.

It started with one brand and now RS-Pinball offers all pinball brands as well as other entertainment products.


  • New Pinball machines
  • Used Pinball machines
  • Service & Maintenance
  • Rental & operation
  • Events in the FlippArena and at your place


Club name:
Vöcklabrucker FlipperSportVerein – FlippArena
ZVR number: 1934280301

Association board members:
Chairman: DI(FH) Stefan Riedler
Deputy chairman: Helmut Kröll
Treasurer: Julia Scriba

Address FlippArena:
Vornbuch 5
4840 Vöcklabruck

Postal address:
Obere Agergasse 3
4840 Vöcklabruck

+43 699 10 87 86 01



Authorized representative:
DI(FH) Stefan Riedler

Media owner:
DI(FH) Stefan Riedler

Applicable legislation and access to it

Duty to inform according to:
Austrian Commercial Code (§ 14 UGB)
Disclosure according to § 25 MedienG.
E-Commerce Act (§ 5 ECG).

Editorial policy:
Product information, webshop, information about activities and services of the Vöcklabrucker FlipperSportVerein – FlippArena

Copyright “Vöcklabrucker FlipperSportVerein – FlippArena”, RS-Pinball GmbH

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